Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Storm front

We live on a little blue marble that floats around in the solar system, tethered by invisible strings to the sun. It is not often that you get this particular perspective of the globe, with the Indian subcontinent front and center. From afar it looks like a serene little thing. Yet, if you go closer to the surface there are stirrings aplenty.

When the Gods are angry, they unleash their fingers, touching the ground, reminding us of our smallness in the whole scheme of things.

Sometimes, terra firma is just a big sandbox, with multiple fingers tracing a design on the earth 's surface.

Finally, when the Gods tire of their petty games and want to watch one of their handiworks on display, they tune into...

(Wandering around the web I frequently come across photos that capture the eye. A few days ago, in the midst of a foul-mood induced browsing session I came across these photos. While I saved the photos to my desktop I neglected to note where I collected them from, so I am unable to acknowledge the sources.)


Ashok Varadarajan said...

Somehow you managed to squeeze in the last photo or was it your main theme and added other photos as a prelude.:-)

Jaunty Quicksand said...

Av/BRB, it was a spur of the moment, going with the theme kind of thing. When I set out to write the post I did not know what photos I was going to put up and what I was going to write.