Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Rock on

Once in a while you come across a video that just makes you stop in your tracks and gape. This is one of them. I have camped on the edge of a glacier at 18,500 feet but what I remember most from that trip is the long trek to the glacier. It was the getting-there part that was more memorable than the being-there part...but for the wrong reasons: I was petrified of falling into the valley during the long trek along the edge of a cliff to get to the glacier.

So, for someone who cannot look down from the second floor of a building without feeling a little disoriented,this video showcases skills that are unfathomable. (Unfortunately, embedding has been disabled so you will have click on the link to see it on Youtube).

To mis-quote Denzel Washington: "Hanuman ain't got nothing on this!"

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