So, it comes as a breath of fresh air when someone takes the time to give well-thought out, honest, and elaborate responses. Leander Paes spoke at length about various topics to DNA. While I have never hidden my admiration for the guy, it still bears saying that this is how you give an interview! Some snippets are provided below, but do read the whole thing.

Is surface the reason why Nadal managed to win the Wimbledon?Link courtesy BF/DSC.
Yes. It's the reason why Lleyton Hewitt has won the Wimbledon, in my opinion. That's the reason Nadal beat Federer, even got close. It's the reason why the serve-and-volleyers are becoming extinct. Roger is invincible on fast grass.
How rampant is match fixing in tennis?
I am sure gambling is there in everything in life. I haven't seen match fixing with my own eyes in tennis so it's not right for me to comment. The only thing is that you cannot convict any player without evidence.
What happened with Gaurav Natekar?
I have heard that some of my fellow Indian players were offered money. Gaurav Natekar apparently said he was offered money at the Hiroshima Asian Games (1994). I won the gold medal there at doubles with Gaurav. I am very happy that he didn't accept the offer. If he had done that, I would have known that on court. If any of my partners accept money, I would never ever speak to him, leave alone playing with him again.
Do you see yourself going into an administrative role?
If there is an admin role that allows me to be hands on with the children on the field and nurture them and help them prosper, I'd love to. But if it's about occupying a chair and having my name and design printed on a card... mere bas ka kaam nahi hai...
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