I recently had to move my belongings from one location to another. This called for a trip to the U-Haul facility. Since I also had to move my car, I rented a trailer. Getting onto the trailer was fine, but once I got on, I ran into a problem - I could not get out! The side-board of the trailer did not let me open the door and I was stuck inside my car. Thanks to the ingenuity of the way the Subaru Legacy is designed I was able to find another way out!!

The U-Haul had a very handy "fuel economy gauge" that let the driver know which speed was best for the vehicle. Notice how there are several "ranges" within which the efficiency is the best.

If you ever want to see your money being spent, simply fill up your car's tank at the gas station. *sigh* the U-Haul, carrying all that extra weight, really put a dent into my savings account. (Note that the price of a gallon of gas is over 4 dollars!)
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