Friday, June 20, 2014

Things I have realized...

... if I account for every contingency when I make a plan, the worst-case scenario imagined will always materialize.  If I do not make any plans and simply rush into things without thinking, the sailing will be smooth.

... that today's generation places less regard for their word than I do. If I say I will get something done, I do it. If they say they will get something done, it is just the first step in a series of steps leading to the not keeping their promise.

... in sports, there is no situation that hasn't happened before. And the past has NO bearing whatsoever on the few things that do happen for the first time.

... that work has a way of filling the time available to get a job done.

1 comment:

Jaunty Quicksand said...

We are all getting too old for them, G, we all are.